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Overweight, Obesity, and Solutions

On September 17, 2020, the report "State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America" was published by the Trust for America's Health and there they reported that the United States has a 42.4% rate of obesity in adults. In that report it was also found that childhood obesity reached 19.3% among young people aged 2-19 years. Really overweight and obesity have become a real "epidemic."

Overweight andobesity are a cause of great concern because excess body fat can overload the heart, bones, and muscles. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, varicose veins, breast cancer and gallbladder disease.

Overweight and obesity can be caused by::

· the type of feeding

· lack of exercise

· stress

· health problems


Following a healthy diet is important for good health. It is good to put on the plate foods with a low content of saturated and trans fats, and that have little cholesterol. As well as reduce the consumption of sugar, salt (sodium) and alcohol and consume more fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products and nuts since they contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Avoid fast food and choose food with good nutritional content and low in calories.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  indicates that to lose around

From 1 to 2 pounds per week, you should reduce your caloric intake by 500-1000 calories per day.


Exercise is key to staying healthy as it strengthens bones, heart and lungs, tones muscles, improves vitality, relieves depression, and helps you fall asleep better. Exercise really should be a lifelong habit and is key in any weight loss or maintenance program. Of course, if you have health problems such as obesity, hypertension, or diabetes, consult with the doctor.


Stress is normal because it is the body's reaction to a challenge or demand, but when it is too much it can lead to health problems such as insomnia, upset stomach, anxiety, and mood swings.

Shaklee 180® is a simple yet powerful program that has been clinically proven to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Your customizable kit contains everything you need for four weeks, including protein shakes, protein bars, an energizing tea, and a metabolism enhancer*, along with online access to supportive tools, all to help you lose weight and learn not to regain it. ‡

The Shaklee 180® Program has been clinically proven to help you lose weight and not regain it. 1.2Shaklee 180® products—Life Shake meal replacements™ and healthy snacks—are the foundation, accompanied by excellent support, including a step-by-step guide and online access to support tools, healthy recipes, meal plans, exercise programs, and lifestyle information.

Burn fat, not muscle, with leucine.

For lasting weight loss, it's not just about food and exercise—you need the right nutrition and the right support tools. Powered by Leucine®, our clinically proven products help you maintain the muscle you have, burn fat you don't need, and lose the inches you don't want.‡ True science with true results.

Why Leucine Works

  • Supports lean muscle. Leucine is an essential amino acid that helps protein synthesis to build lean muscle.

  • Muscle = Metabolism. Leucine-enriched protein helps your body preserve muscle mass, so you lose the right kind of weight and keep your metabolism strong.

  • More is better. More muscle means a stronger, leaner you.

You will see and feel the difference. This is the beginning of a new you.

It contains everything you need, with your choice of flavors. It also includes a step-by-step guide to help you get started and online access to support tools, healthy recipes, meal plans, exercise programs, and lifestyle information to help you lose weight and learn not to regain it.

Your package contains:

  • Three bottles of delicious Life Shakes packed with protein to reduce hunger and boost energy. Available in vegetable formula and with soy protein, and with soy protein without stevia.

    • 20 grams of non-GMO (non-GMO) ultrapure protein to keep you fuller, longer. Starting with 130 calories per portion.

    • Clinically proven to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

    • Powered by Leucine® to help you build lean muscle, burn fat, improve metabolism.

    • Prebiotic exclusive to an organic blend of ancestral organic grains enjoyed by humans for thousands of years, in addition to digestive enzymes. Easy to digest, promotes regularity and digestive well-being.

    • 23 essential vitamins and minerals and 200 mg of calcium plus ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid and more.

    • Low glycemic index, non-GMO (non-GMO) and gluten-free.

  • Two boxes of Meal-in-a-Bar, an excellent alternative to Life Shake with 18-20 grams of protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

  • A box of Snack Bars full of protein and fiber.

  • A box of Energizing Tea, a safe and natural way to combat downs.

  • A Metabolic Boost supplement to help burn calories naturally and keep your metabolism strong.

  • Program support including a step-by-step guide and online access to tools, tips, healthy recipes, meal plans, exercise programs, and lifestyle information to help you in your success.

On your way to weight loss, introducing Shaklee 180® Turnaround® Kit you can be thinner and healthier. Star your journey today!


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). No attempt is made to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease with this product.

† The results and experiences of the Shaklee 180 Program are unique to each person, so results may vary. People who follow the weight loss portion of the Shaklee 180 Program can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.

‡ As part of the Shaklee 180 program. Participants in the study replaced two meals with Shaklee Life Shakes daily along with a 45-minute exercise program twice a week. Find the full details of the peer-reviewed study in

-The Westcott study consisted of six months of weight loss, including replacing two meals a day with Life Shake, after a 40-minute exercise program twice a week, and calorie goals, plus six months of maintenance, including one Life Shake per day, 40 minutes of exercise twice a week, and calorie-free goals. View full details of Westcott's clinical studies in

1. Westcott W, Colligan A, Puhala K, Lannutti K, La Rosa Loud R, Vallier S. Journal of Exercise Physiology Staged. 2017 Feb 1;20(1).

2. Westcott W, Colligan A, Lannutti K, La Rosa Loud R, Vallier S. Effects of Resistance Exercise and Protein on Body Composition Following Weight Loss. Journal of Clinical Exercise and Physiology 2018;7(2):25-32

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